There are many different commands that you can teach your dog, but some of the most basic and useful include:
"Sit": This is one of the first commands that most people teach their dogs. It's a simple command that is easy for dogs to understand and is a good starting point for more advanced training.
- "Stay": This command teaches your dog to remain in a sitting or standing position until released. It's a useful command for keeping your dog in one place while you open a door or perform other tasks.
- "Come": This command is used to recall your dog to you. It's important to teach this command so you can call your dog back to you in an emergency or if they wander off.
- "Heel": This command is used to teach your dog to walk by your side on a leash, rather than pulling or leading the way.
- "Leave it": This command is used to teach your dog to ignore things they shouldn't have, like food or items on the ground.
- "Drop it": This command is used to teach your dog to let go of something they have in their mouth
- "Wait" or "stay": command to make them pause at a certain place, it is helpful when you are trying to open a door or pass through a crowded space.
- "Off" or "down": commands to ask your dog to get off of furniture or stop jumping on people.
It's important to remember that training should be a fun and positive experience for both you and your dog. Use lots of treats, praise, and positive reinforcement during training, and be patient as your dog learns. Also, It's recommended to start with basic commands and gradually progress to more complex commands as your dog gains confidence and understanding.